Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stepping away from the real

My girlfriend made a comment last night that I had an unpleasant dark side rearing it's ugly head of late. I asked her to expand on her observation and she could only say that something had changed recently and my attitudes and ideas were very dark of late. In honesty, this was prompted when the News was talking about the "National Day of Service" fo r9/11 and I commented that we need to keep it a National Day of Mourning and that our symbol should not be the twin towers, but the images of people jumping to their deaths so we would not forget what happened. Admittedly, that imagery is very dark and dismal.

On further reflection, I have decided that as much as I am enjoying the real, I need to step away from the political examinations in the real for now as that is what is triggering this dark side of me. I'm going to retreat into the unreal for a while and let my nature balance back to the light.

I'm going to drop my political examinations and blogs for the nonce and find my way back to the light side that doesn't deal with the dark so much.


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