Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kudos for the Patriot Guard!

If you don't know who the Patriot Guard are, they are a national organization of bikers and vets who provide funeral procession services at military funerals. They ride along with the procession and proudly display US flags in honor of the fallen. They set up in the cemetary proudly displaying the flag as the procession drives past in honor of the fallen soldier. They have also, in the past, acted as a buffer between the family and the idiots of the Westboro Baptist Church. (If you're interested in these whackadoos, google them yourself. I will not provide a link to them). The current unpleasantness between Mr. Snyder and the WBC has had a few of the Guard members step up to Mr. Snyder's defense and the following email found its way into my box (being an inactive member of the PG):

[The 4th Circuits reversal of the Trial Court case has been appealed to and accepted by the Supreme Court.
Since the Supreme Court has accepted hearing the appeal, it seems extremely
likely that the payment of the Atty Fees will be put on hold until
after that case is decided, although nothing has happened to this point.

There is a news report that Mr. Snyder has indicated that he will not pay
anything until the Supreme Court decides on the appeal, so there is probably
no need for fund raising at this time.

I believe that there was an inquiry on the national site, that may have
indicated a place to donate to Mr. Snyder, but that issue is under review by
the Moderators and probably the BOD.

If it gets to the point that Mr. Snyder truly needs outside financial
assistance, it seems likely that we would help publicise that fact when we
know it, although it may be through emails, rather than a campaign on the
national site.

Personally, I think there is a fairly good chance of Mr Snyder winning at
the Supreme Court, as they normally dont take cases for review, except in a
couple of cases, either there is a difference in rulings in different
Appeals Circuit Courts, or the case seems to have a high likelyhood of being
overturned....just my non-legal trained opinion.]

All I have to say is Kudos, fellas.

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